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Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-15, 22:04
autor: Pavulon_
właśnie wysłałem informację szczegółową do prezesa

Dear Jan,

I finally get to you with more specific details.

Ok, so there are two ways how both our clubs can meet and spend some good time :)

1) Quick overnight meeting in Kudowa Zdroj

We start gathering in Kudowa on 15th of August - the cars start coming from the morning till about 2-3 p.m. This is actually first stage of the race. Then we have all team registrations, we cross the start line and so on. There should be a show for local society till about 7p.m. Exact dates to be confirmed. Next morning all cars take off from Kudowa for second stage of the race. We plan to take around 2 hour tour around Kudowa as these areas are very beautiful.
If you and your club members decide not to take part in the Mustang Race we still invite you to come over and spend afternoon with us in Kudowa, sleep overnight and cruise with us in the area. Then head home.

If you decide to do that we would just need to know how many rooms you need in the hotel. You would be able to reserve rooms at our negotiated rates. The hotel is not yet confirmed as we have not finished enrollment yet, however it should be either" onclick=";return false; or" onclick=";return false;

2) The Race
Yes, the other way is to take part in the race itself. I will give you a little overview of it:

1st stage --> it starts at each team home town and end in Kudowa at start line.

15th August - the cars should arrive to Kudowa at 3 p.m. maximum
3-4 p.m. team registration
4-7 p.m. mustang show in Kudowa

2nd stage (190 km) --> Kudowa Zdroj - Rawicz (with short checkpoint in Wroclaw)

start 7-8 a.m. (no libablities in the morning, just wake up, eat breakfast and go on)
4 p.m. maximum --> time we have to reach Rawicz
4-8 p.m. --> competition and mustang show in Rawicz

3rd stage (210 km)--> Rawicz - Pila (with short checkpoint in Poznan)

4-5p.m. arriving in Pila
6-7p.m. mustang show
8pm. rock concert

4th stage (180 km) --> Pila - Kolobrzeg

4-5p.m. arriving in Kolobrzeg
6-6.30pm cruise around the city
6.30-8 pm. mustand show and end of the race, trophies etc :)
9pm official banquet (for teams only)

The race goes through regular public roads however it is not time counting race. There are several competitions along each stage but it is not a rally of any sort. Classics as well as new S197 models are doing OK :)


Enrollment Fee - 1st installment 400 PLN (around 6900 CZK) due max 31.01.2012
Enrollment Fee - 2nd installment 1200 PLN (around 20760 CZK) due around May/June, exact date to be know in March/April.

The race package includes (per car/team - max 2 people)
- Gift certificates for gasloline at BP Station for 900 PLN (around 15570 CZK)
- all hotels with breakfast (Kudowa Zdroj, Rawicz, Pila and Kolobrzeg 5 star hotel)
- official banquet at the hotel in Kolobrzeg

Food, drinks other than described above is not included. Many topics considering the race are still pending (hotels, sponsors) and there is a possibility that second installment is lower than stated above.

Deadline for enrollment is 31.01.2012
To enroll the race simply send and email at and please attach your nick name, 4 pics of the car, model, year, engine, some words about the car, its history etc.
If your club decide to enter for the race with some more teams you could send me combined info. We can decide on this later.
At this time there is no limit for cars.

Jan, if there is anything else you think of you might need considering information please don't hesitate to contact me. I will be responding asap.
Best Regards

Pawel Lewandowski
Mustang Klub Polska
V-ce President" onclick=";return false;

Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-15, 22:51
autor: Kuba
Tak offtopowo - to mamy hotel w Kudowie czy nie?

Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-15, 23:50
autor: Pavulon_
nie wiem, to pytanie raczej do celibada, ja tylko wrzuciłem do maila przykłady które byly w pierwszym poście wątku o Kudowie

Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-16, 08:18
autor: celibad
mamy rezerwacje w Verde Montana

Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-19, 20:04
autor: Pavulon_
otrzymałem info ze projekt MR jest prezentowany klubowiczom, widzialem na ich stronie ze nasz termin jest juz wpisany w ich klubowy kalendarz" onclick=";return false;

Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-29, 01:32
autor: Pavulon_
prezes czeskiego klubu zgłosił do MR2012 6 załóg z czego 4 to nowsze auta (min. 2008 Shelby GT500, GT2010) i 2 klasyki - 67 Fastback i 69 Mach 1.

Mam tylko nadzieje że damy radę ogarnąć to całe towarzystwo :D

Re: Klub Mustang Raiders Club z Czech

: 2012-01-29, 01:37
autor: Bielek
będzie wesoło:) super